Results for 'Ricardo B. C. Prudêncio'

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  1.  26
    Item response theory in AI: Analysing machine learning classifiers at the instance level.Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Ricardo B. C. Prudêncio, Adolfo Martínez-Usó & José Hernández-Orallo - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 271 (C):18-42.
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    Maternal Odor Exposure Modulates Acceptance of a Bitter Taste in Newborn and Infant Rats.María C. Ifrán, Andrea B. Suárez, Ricardo M. Pautassi & Giselle V. Kamenetzky - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Borges/Perón. Indicios de una mitología nacional.Ricardo G. Abduca - forthcoming - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
    Ubico indicios de mitos nacionales analizando obras narrativas (de Borges y algunos otros autores), y dichos acerca de Borges, centrándome en cómo se verifica, en la narrativa de Borges, (y también en sus intervenciones públicas y en lo que se dice sobre su figura) la irrupción del peronismo. Propongo un cambio de escala: sin intentar interpretar los grandes momentos constitutivos entendiéndolos como mitos de origen, intento constituir series, de características cuasi-míticas, a partir de poner en relación a breves sintagmas que (...)
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    The Four Analytic Levels of Social Sciences.Ricardo Crespo - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 24 (2):93-127.
    Cet article défend l’idée que l’on peut distinguer quatre niveaux d’analyse au sein des sciences sociales (y compris l’économie) – à savoir, a) un niveau descriptif statistique, b) un niveau explicatif causal, c) un niveau explicatif téléologique, et d) un niveau téléologique prescriptif. Généralement, les sciences sociales ne considèrent que les niveaux a) et b). L’exclusion du niveau c) peut conduire à considérer comme des « anomalies » certains comportements qui ne sont pas compatibles avec des théories comme celle du (...)
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    Aristotle’s Principles for Modern Economic Science.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2019 - Studia Gilsoniana 8 (4):819–837.
    This paper is an attempt to illuminate today’s economic science with the light of Aristotle’s philosophy of economics. The author first describes Aristotle’s thoughts about the economy. Then, he distinguishes and discusses three Aristotelian principles: (a) economics should be a classical practical or moral science, (b) economics should not look for an unlimited wealth, but for the wealth necessary for the good life, and (c) economics should be aimed at the common good.
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  6. The aesthetics of the body in the philosophy and art of the Middle Ages: text and image.Ricardo Luiz Silveira da Costa - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (s1):161-178.
    A ideia de beleza - e sua consequente fruição estética - variou conforme as transformações das sociedades humanas, no tempo. Durante a Idade Média, coexistiram diversas concepções de qual era o papel do corpo na hierarquia dos valores estéticos, tanto na Filosofia quanto na Arte. Nossa proposta é apresentar a estética do corpo medieval que alguns filósofos desenvolveram em seus tratados (particularmente Isidoro de Sevilha, Hildegarda de Bingen, João de Salisbury, Bernardo de Claraval e Tomás de Aquino), além de algumas (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Mario Bunge. L’épistémologie est là pour de bon.Ricardo J. Gómez - 2020 - Mεtascience: Discours Général Scientifique 1:177-198. Translated by François Maurice.
    Cette étude défend l’idée que, contrairement à l’opinion de Latour sur la nécessité de laisser de côté l’épistémologie pour traiter de tout ce qui a de la valeur pour la science, Mario Bunge a systématiquement construit une épistémologie détaillée et approfondie. La stratégie argumentative consistera à montrer (a) qu’il est faux que nous n’avons jamais été modernes (b) que l’épistémologie est là pour de bon et (c) que Mario Bunge soutient un réalisme scientifique fort, une version du matérialisme, du systémisme (...)
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    Logic and Religion.Jean-Yves Beziau & Ricardo Silvestre - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (1):1-12.
    This paper introduces the special issue on Logic and Religion of the journal Logica Universalis (Springer). The issue contains the following articles: Logic and Religion, by Jean-Yves Beziau and Ricardo Silvestre; Thinking Negation in Early Hinduism and Classical Indian Philosophy, by Purushottama Bilimoria; Karma Theory, Determinism, Fatalism and Freedom of Will, by Ricardo Sousa Silvestre; From Logic in Islam to Islamic Logic, by Musa Akrami; Leibniz’s Ontological Proof of the Existence of God and the Problem of Impossible Objects, (...)
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    Logic and Religion: Special Issue of Logica Universalis.Jean-Yves Beziau & Ricardo Silvestre (eds.) - 2017 - Londres, Reino Unido: Springer.
    This special issue of Logica Universalis (Springer) deals with the relations between logic and religion, broadly conceived. It contains the following articles: Logic and Religion, by Jean-Yves Beziau and Ricardo Silvestre; Thinking Negation in Early Hinduism and Classical Indian Philosophy, by Purushottama Bilimoria; Karma Theory, Determinism, Fatalism and Freedom of Will, by Ricardo Sousa Silvestre; From Logic in Islam to Islamic Logic, by Musa Akrami; Leibniz’s Ontological Proof of the Existence of God and the Problem of Impossible Objects, (...)
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    Consciosusness in cognitive architectures. A principled analysis of rcs, soar and act-r.Carlos Hernandez, Ricardo Sanz & Ignacio Lopez - 2008
    This report analyses the aplicability of the principles of consciousness developed in the ASys project to three of the most relevant cognitive architectures. This is done in relation to their aplicability to build integrated control systems and studying their support for general mechanisms of real-time consciousness. To analyse these architectures the ASys Framework is employed. This is a conceptual framework based on an extension for cognitive autonomous systems of the General Systems Theory (GST). A general qualitative evaluation criteria for cognitive (...)
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  11. Cartografía de la ciudad latinoamericana: fundación del orden colonial.Patricio Landaeta Mardones & Ricardo Espinoza Lolas - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (157):7-36.
    La ciudad en Latinoamérica constituye la realización de un modelo de pensamiento y de costumbres que proviene de Europa, y que fue utilizado como instrumento de orden dentro del proceso de colonización de las tierras descubiertas en el Nuevo Mundo. Se presenta una cartografía de la ciudad latinoamericana, teniendo en cuenta tres ejes: a) la fundación de ciudades, b) la ciudad en la Colonia y c) la crítica a las representaciones que sostienen las instituciones de las ciudades. Se busca mostrar (...)
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    Structural and functional domains of tubulin.Ricardo B. Maccioni, Luis Serrano & Jesus Avila - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (4):165-169.
    The molecular aspects of the microtubule system is a research area that has developed very rapidly during the past decade. Research on the assembly mechanisms and chemistry of tubulin and the molecular biology of microtubules have advanced our understanding of microtubule formation and its regulation. The emerging view of tubulin is of a macromolecule containing spatially discrete sequences that constitute functionally different domains with respect to self‐association, interactions with microtubule associated proteins (MAPs) and specific ligands. Recent studies point to the (...)
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    Starting position, adaptation, and visual framework as influencing the perception of verticality.Ricardo B. Morant & Joel Aronoff - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (5):684.
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    Between Purity and Hybridity: Technoscientific and Ethnic Myths of Brazil.Ricardo B. Duque & Raoni Rajão - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (6):844-874.
    This article examines the foundation myths of Brazil in the last two centuries, paying particular attention to the relationship between these myths and governmental attitudes toward the hybridity of Northern and Southern ethnic and technoscientific entities. Based upon this examination, the article argues that it is important to consider both the wider temporal frames and the shifts and sedimentations that have formed current foundation myths and shaped their relation to science and technology. Postcolonial science technology studies theories illuminate aspects of (...)
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    Cation self-diffusion in MgO up to 2350°c.B. C. Harding & D. M. Price - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 26 (1):253-260.
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    Philosophy and Philosophers: An Introduction to Western Philosophy.C. J. B. - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (173):578-578.
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    The Teaching of Geography.B. C. Wallis - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1967 as the fifth edition of a 1935 original, this book addresses the teaching of various kinds of geography to secondary school students. The text includes suggestions for classwork and possible field courses, in order that geography may have 'its maximum educational effect'. This book will be of value to anyone interested in the history of geography education in Britain.
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    "Forgotten and Lost": Some Reactions to Autonomous Science in the Seventeenth Century.B. C. Southgate - 1989 - Journal of the History of Ideas 50 (2):249-268.
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    Understanding Educational Research: An Introduction.B. C. Bloomfield & Deobold B. Van Dalen - 1967 - British Journal of Educational Studies 15 (2):217.
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    Sterba on morality as a compromise between self-interested and altruistic reasons.B. C. Postow - 2005 - Journal of Social Philosophy 36 (3):388–395.
  21. Jünemann, Kantiana.B. C. Engel - 1909 - Kant Studien 14:306.
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  22. Merten, Über die Bedeutung von Leibniz', nouveaux essais etc.B. C. Engel - 1909 - Kant Studien 14:294.
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  23. Derselbe, Schiller und das Unsterblichkeitsproblem.B. C. Engel - 1911 - Kant Studien 16:94.
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    Philosophical Essays in Honor of Edgar Arthur Singer, Jr.B. C. Holtzclaw - 1943 - Classical Weekly 37:59.
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  25. Agent-Neutral Reasons: Are They for Everyone?: B. C. Postow.B. C. Postow - 1997 - Utilitas 9 (2):249-257.
    According to both deontologists and consequentialists, if there is a reason to promote the general happiness – or to promote any other state of affairs unrelated to one's own projects or self-interest – then the reason must apply to everyone. This view seems almost self-evident; to challenge it is to challenge the way we think of moral reasons. I contend, however, that the view depends on the unwarranted assumption that the only way to restrict the application scope of a reason (...)
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    G.W.F. Hegel's Theory of right, duties and religion.B. C. Burt - 1892
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    Düşünceleriyle Takiyettin Mengüşoğlu.Ayhan Bıçak & Egemen Seyfettin Kuşçu (eds.) - 2021 - İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları.
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  28. Another Defense of Categorical Imperatives.B. C. Postow - 1979 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 60 (2):173.
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    Coercion and the Moral Bindingness of Contracts.B. C. Postow - 1976 - Social Theory and Practice 4 (1):75-92.
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    Independent Discussion Groups for Introductory Philosophy.B. C. Postow - 1975 - Teaching Philosophy 1 (1):51-54.
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    The Unity and Authority of Reason.B. C. Postow - 2002 - Social Theory and Practice 28 (3):481-501.
  32. Ld Hankoff.B. C. Millennium - 1980 - In Robert W. Rieber, Body and mind: past, present, and future. New York: Academic Press. pp. 1.
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  33. Who is on third? Subjectivity and the physical basis of consciousness.B. C. Smith - forthcoming - Journal of Consciousness Studies.
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    Reasons for action: toward a normative theory and meta-level criteria.B. C. Postow - 1999 - Boston, Mass.: Kluwer Academic.
    What, ultimately, is there good reason to do? This book proposes a unified theory of agent-dependent reasons and agent-independent reasons. It holds that principles which assign reasons to agents are valid if and only if they make maximally good sense in the light of relevant data and background theories. The theory avoids problems encountered by views associated with Nagel, Parfit, Brandt, Hubin, Gert, Baier, and Tiberius, amongst others. By what criteria should a normative theory of ultimate reasons be judged? Plausible (...)
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  35. Kastil, Descartes.B. C. Engel - 1909 - Kant Studien 14:298.
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  36. Kühnemann, Eugen, Schillers philosophische Schriften und Gedichte.B. C. Engel - 1910 - Kant Studien 15:517.
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  37. Wize, Abriss einer Wissenschaftslehre der Ästhetik.B. C. Engel - 1909 - Kant Studien 14:293.
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    Adolescent Psychological Development, Parenting Styles, and Pediatric Decision Making.B. C. Partridge - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (5):518-525.
    The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child risks harm to adolescents insofar as it encourages not only poor decision making by adolescents but also parenting styles that will have an adverse impact on the development of mature decision-making capacities in them. The empirical psychological and neurophysiological data weigh against augmenting and expression of the rights of children. Indeed, the data suggest grounds for expanding parental authority, not limiting its scope. At the very least, any adequate appreciation of (...)
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  39. Psychology of Aristotle.B. C. Holtzclaw - 1942 - Classical Weekly 36:70-71.
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    The Myth of Historical Evidence.B. C. Hurst - 1981 - History and Theory 20 (3):278-290.
    Philosophers of history can be divided into two schools, the realist/ empiricist and the instrumentalist/ constructionist. Both accept that the evidence of the past is given. The "myth of evidence," however, obscures the problematic character of description and prediction as essential activities of historians and archaeologists. To choose between competing claims about a particular event one does not choose between the individual descriptions. Rather, one chooses those narratives with the wider network of truth statements and predictive powers. Once the "myth (...)
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  41. Psychophysiological correlates of relaxation.B. C. Glueck & C. F. Stroebel - 1978 - In A. A. Sugarman & R. E. Tarter, Expanding Dimensions of Consciousness. Springer.
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    Supererogation again.B. C. Postow - 2005 - Journal of Value Inquiry 39 (2):245-253.
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  43. (1 other version)Remembering.C. B. Martin & Max Deutscher - 1966 - Philosophical Review 75 (April):161-96.
  44. The Church and Infallibility, A Reply to the Abridged “Salmon”.B. C. Butler - 1954
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  45. Advaita Vedantins on Jnanalaksana: A Critique.B. C. Das - 2000 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 27 (3):275-288.
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    Cadmium diffusion in magnesium oxide at high temperatures.B. C. Harding & V. K. Bhalla - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (188):485-488.
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    Techniques of forgetting? Hypo-amnesic history and the an-archive.B. C. Hutchens - 2007 - Substance 36 (2):37-55.
  48. Intrinsic Values and Universal Reasons for Action.B. C. Postow - 2014 - In G. John M. Abbarno, Inherent and Instrumental Values: Excursions in Value Inquiry. Lanham: University Press of America.
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    The Problem of Form.B. C. Birchall - 1983 - International Studies in Philosophy 15 (1):15-40.
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    Bishop Robinson's Christ.B. C. Butler - 1973 - Heythrop Journal 14 (4):425–430.
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